No one ever knows until they know
No amount of telling
Or showing
Until they recognize the feeling
But how are they shown with heads in the clouds?
How are they shown with heads to the ground?
Everything in front of their eyes
The third wall is the third eye
We’re all on the world’s stage
Trying to survive
Trying not to lose our minds
But when we can’t be ourselves
We can only be blind
We can only be ourselves
When we fully participate
And interact with our audiences
On whatever platform that may be
But in our society the proper practice
Is division before unity
Lets be derogatory to homosexuality
I guess adultery must’ve hit its peak
In the 1960s with JFK and that whole conspiracy
Are we the character
Is the audience ever truly there?
How do we ever know
What we’re doing is right
Or what is even right
When all the light that’s been shed
Has been turned into the night
Until the dots finally supersede
Into connections
Infused by solder
In a state of flux
When the so called ‘stars’ align
It will be our time
From microcosm to macrocosm
To the cosmos themselves
From the detritus to the stardust
We will all be lit up
Infused by the stars
And powered by the sun
When the audience becomes the performer
And the performer becomes the audience
It’s not just a concert, it’s not just a show
It’s one consciousness created by the moment
Those are the ones that last forever
Those aren’t random
If the consistency is created inside of ourselves
By the creation of unity in the face of division
Instead of splicing our energies
It’s time we spread them
Make the people move
We are movement
When the third wall breaks
So does the third eye
Both invisible barriers
Only a matter of time
Show your true being
because if to yourself you are blind
There is nothing else anyone can see
Until you open your mind.